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Internet Marketing Articles

Thursday, March 22, 2007

To Own Urself A Website

My previous article was just mentioned that a website presence is much crucial and formed the most basic things to own. It should be designed effectively to navigate the content toward the specific customer needs. The site should allow visitors to trigger out the overall summary/objective/purpose of it, IMMEDIATELY after they get entered. Otherwise, they will just leave out without trying to read through the contents and you know it, you just loose one big opportunity for an eye blinking.

Good website should provide a very smooth and clear pathway that will keeps the visitor moving through the site content to the desired result that we all want…that is the ORDER PAGE!. So, plan the site linkage carefully so that it will all be ended at the order page and make sure that visitors are not left stranded somewhere inside.

Keep it simple and straight forward with minimum fancy graphic kind of things. Remember that too much graphic tends to stir visitor’s focus and will also affect the page loading time. It always better to have full rich and informative content of the product or services that being offered, instead.

Find ways of pursuing the visitors to bookmark the site and get them back to visit our page at later time. Offer them a periodic newsletters or e-zines and even to give them free goodies that provide a backlink to the mainpage. These are only a few examples that can be practised

Those having an expertise on web designing may get the better position of owning it at almost a zero cost. But for the rest, there are other ways of developing yours. The worst case, outsource it out to the professionals that might cost around just few to hundred dollars. Bear in mind that having a minisite is just nice for a beginner. Otherwise, learn yourself the easy way of web designing, just like me!!! Refer here for further readings to develop a minisite in 30 minutes.


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