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Internet Marketing Articles

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

To Learn About Affiliate (Part 2)

Selling our affiliate products on our web site is the logical choice, but there are actually a number of different ways to promote affiliate products:

Through our existing web site:
Using our existing web site to promote affiliate products is probably the fastest and easiest way to get started earning affiliate commissions. The downside of this quick approach is that we won't necessarily get the traffic needed simply by placing a link to it. Remember, it takes a number of visitors to our site to translate into one affiliate sale. Of course, we'll also need to consider whether or not the people coming to our site will be interested in the product we're promoting. If our site is completely unrelated to Internet marketing, we might even want to create a new site that will start attracting more targeted visitors.

E-mail marketing to our opt-in list:
Putting together an e-mail marketing promotion to our opt-in list is an excellent way to send people to our affiliate products. It's a bit more time-consuming, but we get much better results. What's great about e-mail marketing is that we can tell the subscribers on our mailing list how the product has personally benefited us. Just the fact that we are sending this offer to our list is a strong endorsement for the product.And the real beauty of promoting our affiliate product via e-mail is that we are presenting the offer to people who want to hear what we have to say. Our opt-in list is filled with people who have signed up to receive information from us, and who trust our opinion.

Newsletters and e-zines:
Another alternative to using our web site to promote the affiliate product is to advertise in other online sources of information. A classified ad in someone else's e-zine or newsletter is an excellent approach that allows us to reach a new audience beyond our web site visitors and mailing list subscribers. There are plenty of newsletters and e-zines out there, and chances are we'll find some that have content related to our offer. The audiences for these would have an excellent chance of being interested in our affiliate product! Advertising in someone else's e-zine/newsletter also allows us to take advantage of the credibility that the publisher has established with their customers. If you're advertising in a newsletter that people trust, chances are our ad will be well received.


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