Internet Marketing Articles
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
To Learn About Affiliate (Part 2)
Through our existing web site:
Using our existing web site to promote affiliate products is probably the fastest and easiest way to get started earning affiliate commissions. The downside of this quick approach is that we won't necessarily get the traffic needed simply by placing a link to it. Remember, it takes a number of visitors to our site to translate into one affiliate sale. Of course, we'll also need to consider whether or not the people coming to our site will be interested in the product we're promoting. If our site is completely unrelated to Internet marketing, we might even want to create a new site that will start attracting more targeted visitors.
E-mail marketing to our opt-in list:
Putting together an e-mail marketing promotion to our opt-in list is an excellent way to send people to our affiliate products. It's a bit more time-consuming, but we get much better results. What's great about e-mail marketing is that we can tell the subscribers on our mailing list how the product has personally benefited us. Just the fact that we are sending this offer to our list is a strong endorsement for the product.And the real beauty of promoting our affiliate product via e-mail is that we are presenting the offer to people who want to hear what we have to say. Our opt-in list is filled with people who have signed up to receive information from us, and who trust our opinion.
Newsletters and e-zines:
Another alternative to using our web site to promote the affiliate product is to advertise in other online sources of information. A classified ad in someone else's e-zine or newsletter is an excellent approach that allows us to reach a new audience beyond our web site visitors and mailing list subscribers. There are plenty of newsletters and e-zines out there, and chances are we'll find some that have content related to our offer. The audiences for these would have an excellent chance of being interested in our affiliate product! Advertising in someone else's e-zine/newsletter also allows us to take advantage of the credibility that the publisher has established with their customers. If you're advertising in a newsletter that people trust, chances are our ad will be well received.
Monday, March 26, 2007
The Power of eBay
Obviosly, eBay forms part of the essential marketing tools for netprenuers. Besides of using own website, selling products/services through eBay is something that can't be taken lightly, especially for the newbies in online business community. Here are some fresh points to look into:
- Free hosting to promote products
- Free joining fee at selected countries
- Highly reputable and experience of more than 10 years
- Provide a customer focus
- Access to 100 million of potential buyers.
- Provide the payment conviniency for both sellers and buyers
- Exposure on e-currency application ( eBay is using PayPal for all payment transaction)
- Availability of customers/bidders profile
- Strong support group from eBay
- Free marketing and promotion
- A lot more...
In Malaysia particularly, there are other auction platforms that can be explored further, namely Lelong which potraying almost the same concept of eBay.
To Learn About Affiliate Program (Part 1)
Being successful as an affiliate involves careful thought and planning, and the willingness to work at your business. Of course, we can't expect to see huge commission checks rolling in from the very start, but with a little time and effort, we can be extremely successful.
I’m sure every of us ever visited a web site that was covered in advertising banners for unrelated products, or endless lists of links to other sites, and none of it had anything to do with the reason we went to that web site in the first place? Of course we have -- the Internet is full of sites like that!
I guess that's a pretty common approach to affiliate marketing. People think that if they bombard their visitors with as many affiliate product ads or site links as possible, those visitors are bound to click on something. And they do: Visitors take one look at that overwhelming "flea market" of random affiliate links and banners, and click the "Close" button!
The point is, affiliate programs are the most rewarding when we really focus on making them work, rather then expecting them to do the work for us. The key to becoming a highly successful affiliate is to put together a successful affiliate marketing strategy by following these three steps:
Step One: Choose the most profitable method of promoting our affiliate products
Step Two: Choose the product that will earn us the highest commissions
Step Three: Steal the program's proven marketing tools
I will share with u guys further in my next articles, but do refer here for your further readings. TQ
Thursday, March 22, 2007
To Own Urself A Website
Good website should provide a very smooth and clear pathway that will keeps the visitor moving through the site content to the desired result that we all want…that is the ORDER PAGE!. So, plan the site linkage carefully so that it will all be ended at the order page and make sure that visitors are not left stranded somewhere inside.
Keep it simple and straight forward with minimum fancy graphic kind of things. Remember that too much graphic tends to stir visitor’s focus and will also affect the page loading time. It always better to have full rich and informative content of the product or services that being offered, instead.
Find ways of pursuing the visitors to bookmark the site and get them back to visit our page at later time. Offer them a periodic newsletters or e-zines and even to give them free goodies that provide a backlink to the mainpage. These are only a few examples that can be practised
Those having an expertise on web designing may get the better position of owning it at almost a zero cost. But for the rest, there are other ways of developing yours. The worst case, outsource it out to the professionals that might cost around just few to hundred dollars. Bear in mind that having a minisite is just nice for a beginner. Otherwise, learn yourself the easy way of web designing, just like me!!! Refer here for further readings to develop a minisite in 30 minutes.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Learn The Power of Blogging
Plus, by having a blog, i can drive swarms of traffic to mywebsite, explode my sales and profits...OR add new streams of revenue to my existing business! In summary these are what blogging might offer me:
- increase my website traffic and getting top rank #1 in SE -- for the keywords MOST searched by my target audience
- attract more repeat traffic than my other static webpage! Since blogs take just seconds to update (from ANYWHERE in the world), it's easy to draw visitors back again and again with fresh news and postings!
And since blogging is the biggest trend to hit the Internet in the last 10 years, there's more opportunity to profit from it right now than there ever will be. My prediction is we won't see another chance like this for at least another 10 years... Which means the time to act is now!
If you want to get in on the action, and maximize your business profits quickly, then I highly recommend u guys to start construct ur own blog right away. Click here to read more... Before it's too late!
Should Have Lists ( The Basics)
- Product/services - To identify my most appropriate and best suit with the market demand and self competency.
- How best i can start my selling without having any product?
- To own a website or blog. Many ways of having it either learn to DIY or outsource it to the experts.
- To find a good domain name and hosting company. I need to learn and scouting for a good keyword.
- To source on the payment method for online trading. Which merchant giving the best offer and conveniency?
- What is the minimum start up cost?
- How to list my selling web to search engine (SE)? What are the SE available in net?
- Where to advertise my product/services in the web with zero cost/minimum spending?
- Where can i get info on best marketing practices? Who are the best 'guru' in this field that i can learnt from?
- To maximise my web traffic, what needs to be done?
- How to optimize the SE, so that my web always be at the top?
- How to compete with thousands other sellers?
- How to get into a niche market?
- How to sustain my internet business?
- Am i going to succeed??????????
That are not all, there are many other areas need to be explored out........
Thursday, March 15, 2007
So Simple To Start With...
For those who do not know, Google AdSense is the programme that can generate advertising revenue from each page of our website—with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to our site content. And when we add a Google search box to your site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors’ search request. Click here for details.
While Affiliate Program is an advertising program offering a monetary incentive for webmasters to drive traffic to the advertiser's website. This eliminates the necessity for the advertiser to find websites with related content to list their banners. It also increases the response rate by giving the "affiliate" websites a stake in the response rate.
I will share the details of both these program in detail in my next posting.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Best Trade Ever...
But I found that most intenet marketeers say that investing in info product is always the better choice, comparative to real tangible products. I tend to agree as internet is really a real source of information. Everybody connects into the net to retrieve certain information for a specific usage of their own. Other than that it also offers zero storage, fast/easy handling and immediate delivery services.
And also always consider our interest, capabalities and expertise in making the final product/service selection. Generally true that how on earth i'm going to excel in something that i don't have the knowledge in?? And also it is so fantastic to gain income for something that I love and used to do...yes certainly!!
But what exactly this info product? How to turn our knowledge/expertise into it? In what medium I need to convert it out? How to do it? That remain as a question and need patience and passion to explore further. But you know what??.. I think all these fresh experience that I went through, can also be consiered as knowledge and information. So...maybe I can sell it!!!
Not to forget, there is also a space to trade something for free...yes free!!!without inventing my own product/services..without incurring any starting up cost, without thinking about the payment method, deliverying and so on..I will share with readers soon, especially to those who are new in the net business.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Don't Miss Out The Opportunity!!!
So, what can these figures tell me? It is so obvious right?? How big the opportunity of having my services/product online? Ok...true that it is so impossible for every 1.2 billion world internet users to be our business customers!!! But to recap back the basic principle of doing business, we can only clearly outline our dream business proposal, always in a better way by knowing such opportunity in front. At least I have defined the overall platform of my potential customers and to make them acquire our product/services is something that viable to achieve. How best should I market my business internationally, through normal conventional way of marketing techniques? Newspaper??Radio??Televisyen?Printed Business Directory? Don't think so...
I'm still getting less confident at this intital stage.. but that's ok..let's be at a bit pessimistic side..if I think that I cannot get the 1.2 billion world internet users, for 13 million of Malaysian, I think it is still a wide market to penetrate, for starting offcourse..
Other beauty of internet that I just known is the associated marketing cost. I realised that there are places where I can execute the advertisement for free. Yeah...I should have known it earlier. It just that I need some basic knowledge/expertise on how to carry out marketing effectively in the net. And the fact that MARKETING PLAYS AN IMPORTANT ROLE TO ANYBODY's BUSINESS SUCCESS is always always always true forever.
To start of....
Is it a real true story? How actually they get their success? What needs to become like them? How much effort that they have putted in? What business they are running? How much is the start-up cost? What are their background? What are the critical success factors? Their inspirational factors? These all give me a will to know more about them and the business.
I follow through the update of internet marketing, do my own research of business opportunity in the net, execute a due diligence on few business concept etc etc....for which i will share all these information to my blog readers.
Hopes that we can change ideas/info for the good sake of all the potential net-preneurs all over the globe.